DMTP Product

In order to drive protocol adoption and provide value to the service, we are building a suite of DMTP products to drive adoption and growth. Currently, these include the development of

  • DMTP mobile app Functions on a centralized platform (iOS and Android) to send and receive messages from decentralized protocols to the DMTP infrastructure, with the goal of facilitating user-to-user communication.

  • DMTP Web App Enables the receipt of notifications from a web browser and the delivery of messages from the protocol to the decentralized carrier. It also implements integration with messaging applications such as Discord and Telegram, allowing users who have not installed the DMTP mobile application to receive messages on their mobile devices.

  • DMTP SDK An SDK is provided to make it easy to implement DMTP messaging functionality into Dapps. It can be used at any point where communication occurs, such as sending individual messages to users or sending notifications that you want to ensure are delivered.

Last updated