Pattern α : Bob and Alice have already done the initial DMTP setup.

  1. DMTP server verifies the signature and prove that DMTP key pair haven't been manipulated.

  2. Alice client retrieves Alice’s encrypted DMTP_priKey and Bob’s DMTP_pubKeyfrom the DB

  3. Alice decrypts Alice’s DMTP_priKey with her wallet.

  4. Alice generates the combined secret from Alice’s DMTP_priKey and Bob’s DMTP_pubKey

  5. 5.Alice encrypts messages with combined key (Alice & Bob)

  6. Store the encrypted message in DB and IPFS. The data to be stored will look something like this.

      "sender": "SENDER_WALLET_ADDRESS",  
      "receiver": "RECEIVER_WALLET_ADDRESS",  
      "timestamp": "TIMESTAMP"
  7. The CID of message data is stored in Message table in DB and CID table in DB 【Messages Table】 ⇒ CID 【CIDs Table】 ⇒ [CID, CID, CID, CID, CID, CID]

  8. Periodically, sync all data in CID table to IPFS and get CID All CIDs are stored in this file

      "ROOM_ID_A": ["CID", "CID", "CID", "CID", "CID"],
      "ROOM_ID_B": ["CID", "CID", "CID", "CID", "CID"],
      "ROOM_ID_C": ["CID", "CID", "CID", "CID", "CID"],
  9. This CID is stored in the blockchain (Polygon)

    string[] cids;
    function storeCID(string memory _cid) public onlyOwner{

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